Selling service @ 1.3 times


Why should any hoteliers say no to a concept which facilitates to increase their REVPAR by 30%, or sell occupied rooms again at an additional charge of 30%? That is slice The slice the pioneer in micro stay concept in India, having more than 1200 hotels registered on board with them in India. 

The slice rooms concept pioneered in India, opportunities all grade hoteliers to sell their rooms @ 1.3 times per day.  We slice rooms knows; this concept will definitely thrill the fellow hoteliers in this current situation. This novel concept is commercially proven in our Indian market where we respect the novel ideas through startups. Yes, this idea originated from your fellow hotelier having 35 years of living experience in the Industry in the areas like Operation, sales and Marketing, man management and Finance. Here your fellow colleague appealing all you all to increase your REVPAR by 30% just by registering your hotel at our website WWW.SLICEROOMS.COM

I am sure you could have come across this brand at your ears. This concept is emerging very strongly in Europe and China and needless to say in US as well. Today the technology/out of the box thinking is order of the day of this competitive world would experience a sea changes in every aspect of the business but not in sales department, as Prof Ramcharan the great management guru of all time produced in our respected country claims every corner of the world could witness the great change except sales department. Today the slice rooms lead you through to look at the great changes in your sales department as well with an out of the box thinking, a startups to sell the rooms @ 1.3 times per day or increase the REVPAR BY 30%.


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